M-Sand is a substitute for River Sand, it is also known as fine aggregates which is manufactured by crushing either granite or basalt rock using 3 stage crushing process by some companies. This sand is manufactured in conformance to IS Codes and is an effective alternative to river sand & also known popularly as M Sand.
The natural river sand was the cheapest resources of sand. However the excessive mining of rive bed to meet the increasing demand for sand in construction industry has lead to the ecological imbalance in the state. Now the sand available in the riverbed is very coarse and contains very high percentage of silt and clay. The silt and the clay presence in the sand reduce the strength of the concrete and holds dampness. The natural river sand is the product of sedimentation. mica, coal, fossils and other organic impurities are present in the river sand above certain percentage which make the sand useless for concrete work.
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